It was just my luck that on my first trip ever, one of our guests was a journalist, writing a 6 page article about his experience in Bicycling Magazine. He was riding the newly released ebike (electronic bike) and was accompanied by a friend who is an avid cyclist, riding one of our pricey Specialized Roubaix bikes.
On the very first day I was a wound up ball of stress. My job was to drive the 15 passenger van and cumbersome trailer to pick people up from their hotel, load up their luggage, and bring them to Tamber Bey Winery, where we all meet, have lunch and set off on our first bicycle ride of the week. I manage to deliver everyone safely to the winery withhout getting lost or driving into anything. I'm trying to learn who's who, what exactly I should be doing, and I nervously stumble over my words as I stand up in front of everyone and attempt to explain the route that I've never actually riden. I can't admit that I'm new to anyone because it's important that they feel they are in good hands, with an expert leader. By the end of my speech everyone looks thoroughly confused and I optimistcally add "Don't worry; you'll figure it out as you go!"...Nice. I'm pretty certain that was the worst route rap ever. (My route raps during training went so much smoother!) As we're getting people fitted to their bicycles everyone seems to need something and have questions so I am running back and forth, fetching things and helping people with their bikes. Suddenly I hear someone to my right shout, "Oh my God! He's fainted!" I look to my left and see a man in his late 50s straddling his bicycle, hunched over his handlebars, head hanging low. (Is this seriously happening!?) A group of us rush over to help him off of his bicycle. My co-leader and two guests, who thankfully are doctors, take him to the grass to lay down and I am instructed to entertain the other guests with a bike demo while they figure out what to do. NEWS FLASH! I could be dancing around naked and no one would pay any attention because there is a man (that for all they know could have been any one of them) laying in the grass going in and out of consciousness! It wasn't until the ambulance came and took him to the hospital that the last group of riders left, about an hour and a half behind schedule.
So THAT was the start of my first trip. And let's not forget that we had a journalist witnessing everything!
The week tested my mental and physical abilities. The ample supply of gourmet food and wine and plush beds in beautiful hotels were a welcomed treat after working so hard. Also, as a leader I ride my bike with guests every other day, which gave me such mental releif and joy amidst all the chaos. It was also fun getting to know the guests. They all have unique stories and all of them were so happy to be there. (Even the guy who went to the hospital and couldn't ride his bike all week because he tore his rotator cuff).
Time will tell if all of this is worth it. It's not easy being away from home for this long. Jarrod came out to visit me once already and after he left I couldn't stop crying for days. I am surrounded by people, yet feel so alone. I love all the new experiences, but what I yearn for right now is familiarity. I miss my familiy, my friends, my dog, my house, my town. I miss my Monday night yoga, my regular massages, my favorite trails, the wine shop and mornings at the cafe. Being away really opens your eyes to what you love most.
For the first time, I'm not afraid of failure. If this doesn't work out for me (and for us), at least I can say that I tried. Years ago, Jarrod told me that the most worthwhile things in life are scary at first. I've found this to be true in so many circumstances. It's essential to take risks in life - those risks can create excitement and fufillment and bring us the most joy. Taking risks also helps you to see what doesn't work and saves you from having regrets later. We are both taking a big risk without holding back; and for that I am grateful.
The saying holds true: Distance does make the heart grow stronger (or fonder). I just purchased a plane ticket to fly home for a week after my next trip and Jarrod and I are both SO excited!